Hard Part Number Prefix: (D=New OEM, A=New Aftermarket, R=Remanufactured or Reconditioned, U=Good Used)
Friction Plate Prefix: (B=Borg Warner, R=Raybestos, A=Alto or Allomatic)
Image #

Search Results

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SHIFT KIT GAS and DIESEL C6 67-UP (Transgo) Corrects/Prevents/Reduces: Early or Soft Shifts, stacked shifts, Bogs on hill, etc. Special Instructions: Does not require transmission removal.
Item #T36165

Reprogramming Kit (Gas Only) Heavy Duty; Towing and Competition (Transgo 67-1-2) 67-Up Automatic Shift-Competition, Off-road and Heavy duty. (Diesel use T36165). Special Instructions: Does not require transmission removal.
Item #T36169

Reprogramming Kit (Gas Only) Manual Control, Competition Stick Shift (Transgo) 67-Up Stick Shift-Competition, Off-road and Pro-street. Full Manual Control, Converts back to automatic shifts. Special Instructions: Does not require transmission removal.
Item #T36173

SHIFT CORRECTION PACKAGE C6 66-96 (Superior) Includes servo return spring
Item #S36165
